Using DJI Pilot 2 for R3 Pro

How to use the standard mapping app for the DJI M300 and M350

Custom Camera Settings

For initial camera set-up on your R3 Pro:

  1. Create a custom camera 
    1. Open DJI Pilot 2
    2. Go to the Camera Selection
    3. Select "Custom Camera"
    4. Select "+ Create Custom"
  2. Define a new custom camera called: R3 Pro

    Number of Pixels - Width 6252
    Number of Pixels - Height 4168
    Focal Length



    Horizontal: 72.52 deg

    Vertical: 52.15 deg

    Sensor Size - Width 23.5 mm
    Sensor Size - Height 15.6 mm


Recommended Mission Parameters for the M300 & M350

Application Scan Height Overlap Speed
General Topography 400ft (120m) 30% 6m/s (13mph)
Survey-Grade Topography
≤150 ft (45 m)
30-50% 4m/s (9mph)

Transmission Corridors

200-225ft (60--75m) >60% 6m/s (13mph)


150ft (50m) >60% 6m/s (13mph)



Variable ≥50% 5m/s (11mph)

These parameters are approximate and should be tuned to the environment and mission specific requirements.

Make sure to hit the Save Icon beside the name of your mission when done editing parameters! It's in the top left corner. 

Using Google Earth - Define the mission area by creating a KML

  1. Download and install Google Earth Pro. Open Google Earth Pro.
  2. Enter the project address and click Search.
  3. Zoom in to see the area on the screen.
    1. Scroll mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
    2. Press U for top-down view.
    3. Press N for north-facing view.
    4. Press R to reset the view to normal
  4. Above the map, click Add Polygon and enter a Name and Description.
    1. Keep New Polygon box open until you're done
  5. Go to Style, Color tab and change Width: 5.0 (or more) and Area: Outlined.
  6. Go to Measurements tab in the polygon box and set the desired Area and Perimeter type.
  7. Using the left mouse button, draw the shape of the area of interest. Right click will remove the last point.
  8. When complete, click OK.
  9. In the left section, right click your polygon under My Places and click Save Place As.
  10.  Select the folder and enter the name of the project.
  11. Save as type: Kml (*.kml) and click Save.
  12. Copy this KML to a USB or MicroSD and insert in your controller

  13. In Pilot 2, go to "Flight Route" 

  14. Choose "Import Route" 
  15. Choose the name of your External Storage
  16. Choose the KML! 


  1. Go to the mission you've created in the Flight Route Section
  2. Prepare the drone and the lidar, make sure they're running and ready to go
  3. When ready for takeoff, take both sticks and move them at a 45 degree angle down and towards the center of the controller.
  4. Manually take off straight up to a safe altitude
  5. High Speed Calibration: Fly fast and straight ahead for AT LEAST 5 seconds
  6. Figure 8: Manually fly a Figure 8 pattern, ensuring you're turning the drone - flying the Figure 8 like a plane
  7. Hit the start mission button
  8. Proceed through the Pre-Flight checklist
  9. Ensure your "Out of Control" action is set how you want it, this affects what happens if your controller loses signal (even for just a moment)  
  10. Upload the mission to the drone
  11. Start! 
  12. You should be able to use Return to Home for the high speed calibration at the end, just ensure the drone is going to have at least 5 seconds of high speed flight (not total flight) back home. If you aren't sure- just pause the flight at the end, fly away for 5 seconds, then hit Return to Home!