All the R3 Pro V2 or R3 Pro data is stored on the USB drive.
Remove the USB drive from the LiDAR unit
For each dataset that is collected, a unique folder will be generated to store all of the data. The name of the folder will include the date and time that the data was collected. The USB drive contains the following data:
- Cam1 folder - all your photos
- Photos will be in a .jpg file format.
- Please note photos will not have EXIF data until you run the project through ROCK Desktop.
- Lidar1 folder- all your lidar data
- This folder will contain a single .mlr file.
- Please note this isn't a point cloud until processing through ROCK Desktop.
- POS Folder - all the GPS data
- This folder will contain a .gps, .imr, .ins, and .pos file.
- There will be a subfolder named "base" as well. This is a great location to load your base data to.
- Note: make sure you have a .gps file if you're checking to see if you're good to go on a test dataset!
- device_info.json - System information for the LiDAR unit and dataset.
Save Flight Folder on Computer
- Make sure you save your files on a local folder on your hard drive (not a shared folder like OneDrive, server folder, syncing Sharepoint folder, etc).