Having trouble displaying your .dwg, .shp or .dxf files (such as contours) in ROCK Cloud? Here are some quick steps to troubleshoot:
DWG is a proprietary format. The ROCK Cloud supports SHP files and dxf files. The Rock Cloud does not support visualizing .dwg files. If dxf isn't working, then try .shp files as the conversion can sometimes cause problems in dxf format.
Verify the Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
- Make sure your uploaded files share the same CRS (defined or reprojected) as the existing LAZ or project data.
- For additional guidance, see ROCK Cloud Reproject Project Data and What is an EPSG code.
Zoom to Extent
- In your Layers tab, locate the file and click the “Zoom to Extent” icon.
- This ensures the data isn’t simply off-screen.
Wait for Processing & Refresh
- Check the bottom center of ROCK Cloud to confirm if processing is complete.
- Once done, refresh your browser.
- If needed, clear your cache, cookies, and browsing history.
Use Google Chrome
- Keep Chrome updated.
- Try relaunching the browser if you continue to see issues.