How to Use Strip Selection in Rock Desktop for Optimal Point Cloud Generate

Strip Selection in Rock Desktop. Learn to modify flight trajectory strips, understand which data to exclude, and how to combine strip selection with angle and range gate adjustments for optimal


Strip Selection in Rock Desktop is a powerful feature that allows users to fine-tune their LiDAR data collection, focusing on specific flight trajectories for point cloud production. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use strip selection to produce high-quality, relevant point cloud data.

Understanding the Importance of Strip Selection

Key Insight: Strip selection allows you to focus on the specific area of your trajectory where you want to produce a point cloud. It's crucial to include only the regions of interest in your data set, excluding take-off, landing, and calibration paths for the best results.

Steps to Customize Strip Selection in Rock Desktop

  1. Start with Automated Selection

    • Rock Desktop offers an initial, automated strip selection based on your flight plan. This is a great starting point, but remember that you can further fine-tune this selection.
  2. Modify Strips As Necessary

    • Increase or decrease the length of a strip by clicking and dragging the ends of a strip within the viewer.
    • Add a new strip by clicking the plus button on the right-hand side.
    • Delete a strip by clicking the trash can icon. This removes the strip from the data set.

Callout: Be mindful to exclude unnecessary data. Do not include the take-off, landing, or calibration figure-eight paths in the final Point Cloud. Also, it's advisable not to include corners where the system is turning around.

  1. Finalize Your Strip Selection

    • Once you are satisfied with your strip selection, proceed to adjust the angle gate and range gate.
  2. Proceed to the Next Step

    • After finalizing your strip selection and adjusting the angle and range gates, click Next to move on to the next step of producing your colorized, calibrated Point Cloud.

Tip: It's crucial to spend time on the strip selection stage to ensure the final Point Cloud is relevant to your area of interest. A well-selected strip can significantly improve the quality and relevance of your LiDAR data.

By mastering the use of strip selection in Rock Desktop, you can control the specific regions you want to include in your Point Cloud, ensuring the capture of relevant, high-quality data for your project. Enjoy your precise data gathering!