How to Use the Range Gate in Rock Desktop

Master the use of the Range Gate in Rock Desktop with this comprehensive guide. Learn to manipulate the range slider, understand the impact of sensor distance on data quality, and customize settings for your specific needs.

How to Use the Range Gate in Rock Desktop

Rock Desktop is a versatile tool that provides detailed and accurate data from the sensors, primarily through the function known as the Range Gate. The range gate allows you to select the distance from the sensor that will populate your final deliverable. This article will guide you on how to use the range gate effectively for improved data results.

Understanding the Importance of Range Gate

Key Insight: The best data is collected closest to the sensor. As you go further away from the sensor, the data quality reduces. Therefore, manipulating the range gate helps to focus on the most relevant data.

It is also important to understand that there's a minimum distance from the sensor. Therefore, setting your range gate effectively can help reduce extraneous data and ensure you're focusing on the most significant regions.

Utilizing the Range Gate: Step by Step

  1. Start by Colorizing the Point Cloud

    • Click the eyedropper located in the top right-hand corner of the range gate. This will colorize the point cloud in the viewer by distance from the sensor. It helps to visualize the distance of various data points from the sensor.
  2. Adjust the Range Slider

    • Use the range slider to select the maximum and minimum distance that you want to populate in your final deliverable. This sets the limits of the data you're interested in.

Callout: Remember, if you fly very high, some of the data might not populate in your final deliverable because your range gate might have excluded those faraway points from the final point cloud.

  1. Refine Your Data as Necessary
    • If you find that some important data has been left out, don't worry! You can always come back to Rock Desktop, navigate to the selection menu and extend the maximum range to capture all the necessary points.

Default Settings for Different Models

The default settings for the different models of Rock Desktop sensors are important to keep in mind when working with the range gate:

  • R3 Pro has a default minimum range of 8 meters and a maximum range of 65 meters.
  • The R360 and R2A share the same default settings as the R3 Pro.

Tip: Although these are the default settings, you can always adjust the range according to your specific needs for the best results.

By understanding and effectively using the range gate in Rock Desktop, you can ensure that you're gathering the most relevant and high-quality data from your sensors. Happy data gathering!