What Coordinate System is my R3 Pro Data in?

Helping understand this will make you successful with your R3 Pro!

In the world of geospatial data, accuracy and precision are paramount. Whether you're mapping a cityscape with a drone or analyzing the topography of a remote mountain range, the coordinates you use to represent locations on Earth's surface must be as precise as possible. This is where EPSG codes come into play, especially when processing data from devices like the R3 Pro LiDAR.

WGS 84 and the UTM zone for your area. The vertical projection will be ellipsoidal height in meters. For example, you may be in WGS 84 UTM Zone 16N. There is an accurate zone for everywhere on earth! 

What is an EPSG Code?

EPSG stands for European Petroleum Survey Group, a now-defunct organization that compiled a database of coordinate system information. This database, maintained by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) as the Geomatics Guidance Note, contains thousands of geographic coordinate systems, projected coordinate systems, and other related data.

Each entry in the database is assigned a unique numerical code, known as an EPSG code. These codes are widely used in Geographic Information System (GIS), remote sensing, and other geospatial industries to refer to specific coordinate systems. 

Why are EPSG Codes Important for Processing R3 Pro Data?

When processing data from the R3 Pro or any other geospatial data collection device, it's crucial to know the coordinate system that the data is in. This is because different coordinate systems represent the Earth's surface in different ways, and using the wrong one can lead to significant errors in your data.

The R3 Pro collects geospatial data in a raw format (UTM Zone you're in and Ellipsoidal Height in meters), which then needs to be processed and transformed into a local format. Part of this processing involves assigning the data to a specific coordinate system, which is where EPSG codes come in. By specifying the correct EPSG code, you can ensure that your data is accurately represented on the Earth's surface.

Moreover, if you're combining data from the R3 Pro with other geospatial data (like satellite imagery or existing GIS layers), it's essential that all the data is in the same coordinate system. EPSG codes provide a standardized way to ensure this, allowing you to accurately overlay and analyze different datasets.


EPSG codes are a fundamental part of geospatial data processing. They provide a standardized way to refer to different coordinate systems, ensuring that your data is accurately represented on the Earth's surface. Whether you're processing data from the R3 Pro or working with other geospatial datasets, understanding EPSG codes is crucial for achieving accurate and reliable results.