R3 Pro V2 Mobile Mount FAQs

The ROCK Mobile Mount revolutionizes 3D LiDAR mapping technology with its robust, adaptable design that secures to any smooth surface for high-quality, colorized data collection.

How can my GNSS signal be affected while collecting data with my Mobile Mount?

While collecting data you want to be mindful of potential GNSS obstructions and keep a sufficient gap between the R3 Pro V2 unit and obstructions.  Common obstructions can include tall vegetation, buildings, etc.  Additionally bridges or tunnels could be problematic areas to maintain GNSS signal.  It is especially important to ensure that potential GNSS obstructions are not present in your calibration (static, straight line, and Figure 8) calibrations.    

Are there time limitations to using the R3 Pro V2 with a ROCK Mobile Mount?

You are limited by storage on the R3 Pro V2 and your Insta360 camera.  For the Insta360 camera you will see how much battery is available when you start recording data.  In the case of the R3Pro you are limited by the storage of the USB drive that is in your unit.

Are any road and driving conditions not ideal for collection with the ROCK Mobile Mount?

If you are driving in areas where there are consistent GNSS obstructions, that could be problematic.  The suction cups on the ROCK Mobile Mount have been shown to stay in place at high speed, however, it is recommended that you practice safe driving when collecting your LiDAR data.  

Is it alright if the placement of my ROCK Mobile Mount changes?

Yes, that is alright as long as each time you ensure the ROCK Mobile Mount is secured to your vehicle.  Please be sure to record the pitch of your R3 Pro V2, and take a photo of the ROCK Mobile Mount placement prior to data collection. 

My mobile mount dataset still shows the vehicle in the point cloud, how do I remove that?

Yes, that is alright as long as each time you ensure the ROCK Mobile Mount is secured to your vehicle.  Please be sure to record the pitch of your R3 Pro V2, and take a photo of the ROCK Mobile Mount placement prior to data collection. 

Is it alright if the placement of my ROCK Mobile Mount changes?

Within your processed dataset folder in both the Cam1\back\global_mask and Cam1\front\global_mask folders there is a file named README.TXT that has the instructions for how to mask out the vehicle.