Reprojecting R3 Pro Data into Local State Plane or Other Known Coordinate Systems

In the world of LiDAR and geospatial data, the ability to reproject data into a known coordinate system is crucial.

Step 1: Fly the R3 Pro

The first step in this process is to capture your LiDAR data using the R3 Pro. The R3 Pro, developed by ROCK Robotic, is a state-of-the-art LiDAR system designed for integration with drones. It's lightweight, easy to use, and capable of capturing high-resolution 3D data.

Step 2: Process with ROCK Desktop

Once you've captured your data, the next step is to process it using ROCK Desktop. This software takes the raw data captured by the R3 Pro and transforms it into a detailed 3D point cloud. This point cloud serves as the base for all subsequent steps in the data processing workflow.

Step 3: Upload from ROCK Desktop to ROCK Cloud

After processing your data in ROCK Desktop, the next step is to upload it to ROCK Cloud. This is an easy 1 click in ROCK Desktop!

ROCK Cloud is a powerful platform that allows you to further analyze, visualize, and share your LiDAR data. Importantly, it also provides tools for reprojecting your data into a different coordinate system.

Step 4: Reproject to Your Known Coordinate System

Once your data is in ROCK Cloud, you can reproject it into your desired coordinate system. This could be a local state plane or any other known coordinate system. The process involves selecting your desired EPSG code, which is a code that represents a specific geographic coordinate system. Once you've selected the appropriate EPSG code, ROCK Cloud will reproject your data accordingly.

  1. Go to the "Manage Project" Menu on the left side of your project
  2. Click "Reproject Data" 
  3. Select your Horizontal and Vertical Coordinate System

Make sure to select the appropriate unit whether it is Meters or Feet in the top of the box to reproject.

Step 5: Align to Ground Control Points (GCPs)

The final step in the process is to align your reprojected data to Ground Control Points (GCPs). GCPs are known points on the ground that have been surveyed using highly accurate GPS equipment. By aligning your data to these points, you can ensure that it is accurately positioned in real-world space. It's preferable to use GCPs that are in the same EPSG code as your reprojected data.

Upload your GCPs or add then like this: 

In conclusion, reprojecting your R3 Pro data into a known coordinate system is a straightforward process with ROCK Desktop and ROCK Cloud. By following these steps, you can ensure that your LiDAR data is accurately aligned with your existing geospatial data, making it a valuable addition to your mapping or surveying project.