The ROCK Pilot App is designed to optimize your data collection workflow with the R3 Pro V2 or R3 Pro units. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and Tips for the ROCK Pilot App.
Are Battery Hot Swaps possible with ROCK Pilot?
At this time, you cannot complete a battery hot swap and resume your mission with the ROCK Pilot App. We plan to include this functionality in future releases. At this time ROCK recommends that if you are surveying an area that requires battery swaps, to break your area up into smaller unique surveys. After processing in ROCK Desktop and uploading to ROCK Cloud, you can merge your datasets together.
Can I use Terrain Follow with ROCK Pilot?
Unfortunately, ROCK Pilot does not allow you to take advantage of terrain following. We plan to include this functionality in future releases.
Do I still need to complete calibration flights with the ROCK Pilot App?
Calibration flights like the 2 high speed kinematic flights, and the Figure 8 flight will be built into your mission designed by ROCK Pilot. However, you will need to ensure there is sufficient distance between your take off/landing point and the mission start and end points to allow for the 5 second high speed kinematic flights. The image below shows a ROCK test flight area, with the drone take off and landing point relative to the mission start and end points. The start and end points of the mission are a minimum of 200 meters away from the takeoff point to allow for enough time to capture the necessary calibration flights.
ROCK Pilot will also ensure that after the ending high speed kinematic flight is captured that the drone's horizontal speed will not exceed 3 meters per second as per the return to home calibration.
Do I still need to collect 30 seconds of static LiDAR data before and after my drone survey mission?
ROCK Pilot Tips
- Plan and save your mission before going to the field site.
- As with any other drone piloting software you still need to monitor your drone during flight, and follow all local, state, & federal regulations when flying.
ROCK values our customer feedback to improve offerings like the ROCK Pilot App. If you have any feature requests or additional questions, please reach out to ROCK (