Start the R2A/R360

The R2A/R360 can be operated from a GUI using a phone or using the power button. This article will focus on operation with the GUI.

Install the R2A properly on the drone system.

Tap the button to power on the R2A/R360

  • Listen for the camera to click twice, if not heard restart the unit.
  • R2A/R360 will begin warm up cycle.

A light humming and ticking sound can be heard from the LIVOX sensor, this is normal.

Connect the R2A/R360 to your phone
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings on your phone.
  • Connect to the wireless network.

Wireless Network Name Password
ROCK-####### rocklidar
  • Open up a web browser and go to -

    Pre Warm UpStatus Screen After Warm Up

  • Re-format the USB drive before every flight within the R2A/R360 GUI.

Format USB

Every data collection session should  start with re-formatting your USB drive. Failing to re-format the drive may lead to the inability to log additional data.

The R2A/R360 will not start recording data if the USB drive is not attached or was improperly formatted.

  • Wait until you have 8 or more GNSS satellites.

  • Press "Start" to begin recording data.

  • Wait for 20-30 seconds to get a good static reading on the ground.
  • Close Web GUI window.
  • Turn off phone Wi-Fi  to disconnect from R2A/R360 prior to take-off.

Keeping your phone connected to the R2A/R360 Wi-Fi may lead to errors in logging while the R2A/R360 attempts to connect to your phone as it comes in and out of Wi-Fi signal during flight.

**Check your files in the field using the rtk.pcmp file to verify your capture before leaving.**

This can be done without stopping your base station as it is just visualizing the LiDAR scan file, and not a trajectory corrected point cloud. This means no license or internet is needed, but note your point cloud is  also inaccurate at this stage.

You can also operate the R2A/R360 using the power button. See the article "Operate the R2A/R360 with Power Button" for more information