Next Steps to Take After Receiving a ROCK Desktop Processing Error Message

Here are some steps to take once you've received a ROCK Desktop processing error message.

Common Steps to Resolve Processing Errors

First, let's review some common issues. Ensure that:

  • ROCK Desktop is up-to-date: Always use the latest version.  Update ROCK Desktop.
  • Firmware: The LiDAR unit used for data collection has the most recent firmware installed.  Updating R3 Pro firmware.
  • USB Drive: The USB drive used for saving data isn't too full and was properly formatted before data collection. USB Drive requirements and formatting.
  • Data Collection Workflow: Follow ROCK recommendations for data collection, including static calibration before take-off, high-speed kinematic flight for at least five seconds, figure-eight flights, and proper post-survey calibration.  Data Collection Workflow.

Data Collection and Storage

Ensure the data collection process was followed correctly:

  1. One-button Method: Data collection should be stopped using the one-button method, and the unit should be shut down properly afterward.  1 Button Method.  
  2. Data Transfer: Ensure data was transferred correctly from the USB drive, and it was ejected safely from your computer before processing.
  3. Storage Location: Avoid using a shared drive like OneDrive for data storage as it can cause errors.

Contacting ROCK Support 

You also have the option to reach out to ROCK Support by emailing Be prepared to answer questions about the steps listed above, as the ROCK Support Team works to diagnose the source of your error. You can help the Support Team by providing your ROCK Desktop log and processing report (if generated):

  1. View Logs: In ROCK Desktop, click on Help and then View Logs. This will open a folder with the ROCK Desktop log for processing.
  2. Send Logs to Support: Email the log file to the support team so they can analyze it and determine the error.
  3. Processing Report: In your dataset folder, there will be a folder named "processed".  Within that folder you may find the HTML processing report file and send it to the support team as well. This report includes important information about GNSS and IMU data overlap, satellite data, and more.

By following these steps and checking the relevant links provided, you can troubleshoot many of the common processing errors in ROCK Desktop. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at